national outreach event
Netherlands - The Hague

Public Event - Netherlands - The Hague

Symposium: Will the newly elected European Parliament accelerate the Green Transition?

On the 25th of June 2024 this symposium will discuss how the EU can accelerate the transition to a climate-neutral economy and in different sessions reflect on what the incoming European Parliament will mean for the future of green policies.

From the 6-9th of June there will be European Parliamentary elections. The outgoing European Parliament has approved some of the most ambitious climate policies in history. However, to achieve the Paris Climate Agreement goals, the freshly elected European Parliament must approve policies to further accelerate this transition. Drawing on state of the art research, this symposium will discuss how the EU can accelerate the transition to a climate-neutral economy. Together with eminent scientists and policymakers from both the Netherlands and abroad, we will reflect on what the incoming European Parliament will mean for the future of green policies. See below for the program. The program includes a panel discussion with current and former members of the European Parliament and distinguished speakers from Ecologic Institute (Germany), the Free University Brussels (Belgium), Wageningen University (Netherlands), CE Delft (Netherlands).

The symposium will be an in-person event at the World Trade Center in The Hague (Prinses Beatrixlaan 582, Den Haag, the Netherlands; Tower C, floor 5 – Wageningen Economic research) on the 25th of June 2024 from 13:30 – 16:30 with drinks afterwards. The event cannot be attended online. The event is free, but registration is required. See below for a draft program. A more detailed program will follow.

To register for the event click here.

For other inquires you can contact

Please note that, although speakers will present in English, attendees may ask their questions or contribute to the discussion in Dutch. The organization will provide assistance in translating remarks in Dutch to English.
