national outreach event
Brussels, VUB U-Residence (hybrid)

Public Event - Brussels, VUB U-Residence (hybrid)

The Future of the European Green Deal: Challenges and Opportunities After the European Elections

The European elections have the potential to reshape the European Green Deal. This is a crucial moment to analyse the impact of the election results, identify emerging challenges, and chart a sustainable path forward. 

Challenges and Opportunities After the European Elections

After the recent elections, it is fair to say that there has been a major shift in European political forces, which will naturally impact how the priorities of the EU are set for the coming years. 

Yet, the climate and biodiversity crises are not easing, and many worry that environmental issues will fall out of focus in the future legislative agenda.

To get an idea of what to expect, we invited experts from diverse backgrounds to answer our questions on the future of the European Green Deal:

  • The impact of the recent elections on the Green Deal's trajectory.
  • Key challenges and opportunities facing the green transition.
  • Strategies for ensuring a sustainable and equitable future for Europe.

The event took place in a hybrid panel format and was hosted by the 4i Traction project, The Earth Society, Youth and Environment Europe

You can watch the recording of the event here (YouTube).


Programme and speakers:

15h45: Doors open

16h00 - Welcome by moderators Paul Ségalard (YEE)  & Stefano Cisternino (the Earth Society and Climate Pact Ambassador)

16h05 Introduction: Diving back into the European Green Deal 

  • Sebastian Oberthür, Co-Director of the Research Centre for Environment, Economy and Energy; Professor for Environment and Sustainable Development at the Brussels School of Governance (BSoG) for his expert knowledge of European and international governance, laws and policies on environmental and climate matters.

16h15: Roundtable discussion with:

  • Andrea Casamenti, Policy Coordinator at SOLIDAR, 
    • Expertise: fair and just EU transition policies and expert views on the social aspects of the environmental transition.
  • Flora Dicke, Researcher at the 4i Traction Project, Ecologic Institute
    • Expertise: German and EU climate mitigation and adaption policy. Building upon her involvement in the EU-funded project "Transformative Policies for a Climate-Neutral EU (4I-TRACTION)", she will share recommendations on the design of transformative EU climate policies.
  • Arvea Marieni, Partner & Board Member at Brainscapital; Shareholder & Lead of Ecological Transition Division at BEAM CUBE 
    • Expertise: serving as a European Commission expert on innovation and ecological transition matters.
  • Stephanny Ulivieri, Project Leader for Sustainaware at Youth and Environment Europe (YEE)] 
    • Experience as a youth intersectional climate activist.

17h35: Q&A with the audience

18h00 - 19h00: Reception (for those attending in person)

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